How to Play

Master the game of Hillbilly Hand Toss with these simple rules and scoring guidelines

Game Setup

Game Setup

What You Need:

  • 2 - 4 players
  • 6 scoring sticks
  • 2 scoring blocks with attached scoring poles
  • 2 scoring cans

Setup Steps:

  • Set up scoring blocks 23 feet apart, scoring poles facing each other
  • Place scoring cans on top of each block, touching the scoring pole
  • Determine throwing sides and order (subsequent rounds determined by previous winner)
Basic Gameplay

Basic Gameplay

  • Players/Teams alternate throws until all 6 sticks are thrown
  • Keep feet behind the imaginary throwing line at front of scoring block
  • If a player crosses the line, that throw is discounted
  • After all throws, score the sticks closest to scoring pole
  • Then score can involvement, leaners, resters, and ringers
Scoring Points

Scoring Points

Stick Scoring:

  • Ringer (3 points): Stick in scoring block hole
  • Leaner (4 points): Stick leaning upright against block
  • Rester (5 points): Stick resting on top of block

Can Scoring:

  • Knocked to ground: 1 point
  • Into block hole: 3 points
  • Wedged in hole: 2 points
  • Resting on block: 5 points
Winning the Game

Winning the Game

  • Points accumulate each round (scores offset) Example: If Blue scores 4 points and Red scores 2 points in a round, Blue would add 2 points to their score going into the next round
  • First team/player to exactly 21 points wins
  • Going over 21 points causes a "bust" back to 15 points
  • Teams that "bust" keep the board and throw first next round
  • Any part of a stick in front of the imaginary scoring line is eligible for scoring

Scoring Examples

Example 1: Ringer Scoring
Example 1: Ringer Scoring
Example 2: Leaner Scoring
Example 2: Leaner Scoring
Example 3: Rester Scoring
Example 3: Rester Scoring
Example 4: Knock off Can Scoring
Example 4: Knock off Can Scoring
Example 5: Knocked In Scoring
Example 5: Knocked In Scoring
Example 6: Wedged Scoring
Example 6: Wedged Scoring

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Score Calculator

Scoring Calculator
3 points each
4 points each
5 points each
1 points each

Can Scoring

1 points each
3 points each
2 points each
5 points each

Total Points